湧き上がる謎・金鹿の学級 Another Mystery (Golden Deer)
(書庫 昼)
Library | Daytime
クロード: トマシュさんは……いないようだな。まあいいか。
Claude: Tomas doesn't seem to be here... Oh well, that's fine.
I've been researching the Heroes' Relics a lot since we last spoke to him. I found out something interesting.
Choice 1: なぜ調べていた? Why have you been researching them?
クロード: なぜって……言わずともわかるだろ?それより面白いことってのはな……
Claude: Why? Do you have to ask? Trust me, what really matters is what I found out.
Choice 2: 面白いこと? Something interesting? *Claude up
クロード: 英雄の遺産と紋章の関係についてさ。
Claude: It's about the connection between Crests and the Heroes' Relics.
The Crest Stone of each Relic is carved with a specific Crest-the one that has the ability to wield it properly.
The Crests are the keys. You need the right one to safely use a Hero's Relic.
The only thing I can't figure out is...why doesn't the Sword of the Creator have a Crest Stone bearing a Crest?
Choice 1: 女神様の気まぐれ It's by the whim of the goddess.
クロード: おいおい、俺の鮮やかな推理を女の移り気みたいな一言で片づけないでくれよ。
Claude: Hey, now! No need to write off my findings by saying it's a mere whim of the goddess.
Choi ce 2: 昔はあった It had one in the past.
クロード: そう、俺の予想では、そうなんだ。
Claude: Precisely. At least, that's my current guess.
クロード: 紋章石こそが、人間離れした力の根源なんだって俺は考えてる。
Claude: There's more. I believe the Crest Stones might be the source of the Relics' inhuman power.
When Miklan transformed into a Black Beast, he was taken over by something that originated from the Crest Stone.
And the Crest Stone was on his body. It all seems to add up. Now, look at this picture I found in the library.
クロード: こいつは女神に遣わされ、セイロス教徒を救ったといわれる“白きもの”らしい。
Claude: That creature is called the Immaculate One, who was supposedly sent by the goddess to save the followers of Seiros.
See the pattern on its brow, and the faint circular boundary? Isn't it possible that's a Crest Stone?
If all this is true, then Crest Stones are what power the ability to assume massive forms like that of the Immaculate One.
And maybe the Heroes' Relics can harness that transformative power...
セテス: ……君たちか。トマシュを見かけなかったか?
Seteth: Oh. It is you. Have you seen Tomas recently?
クロード: いえ、俺も会いたかったんですけど、留守のようですよ。
Claude: No such luck. I was hoping to speak with him myself, but he seems to be out on the town.
セテス: そうか。……!? その絵は……?
Seteth: I see. Well... Hm?! Where did you find that picture?
クロード: 書庫にあったんです。何かまずいことでも描かれてますかね?
Claude: It was in the library. Why do you ask? Is it something my youthful eyes shouldn't be seeing?
セテス: いや……だが、それはここの蔵書ではなくトマシュが私物を持ち込んだものだろう。
Seteth: No, of course not. However, that is not part of this library's collection. It must belong to Tomas.
It would be problematic if it got mixed in with the other books. I will take possession of it for now.
クロード: そして、闇に葬る……
Claude: Take it away where no one can see it, you mean...
セテス: なに?
Seteth: What was that?
クロード: 以前、トマシュさんが言ってたんですよ。修道院では都合の悪い記録は消される、と。
Claude: That's what Tomas said. He said records that the monastery doesn't approve of tend to disappear.
セテス: トマシュが? 何を馬鹿なことを……私は忙しい、もう行くぞ。
Seteth: Tomas said that? Preposterous. I have far too much to accomplish to waste time with this foolishness.
Preposterous. だけ小声
クロード: 随分、慌ただしい様子だったな。トマシュさんに何か用でもあるのかねえ。
Claude: He was certainly in a hurry. I wonder if he's off to confront Tomas?
Well, he took the picture, so I guess that's that for now. I'll see you later, Teach.
クロード: やっぱり教団は、何かを隠してる。それも遺産や紋章に関わる、馬鹿でかい秘密をな。
Claude: So, the church is hiding something after all. Some massive secret about Relics and Crests.
A secret that must have something to do with the professor's true identity...